How To Install Iconv Php Extension

How To Install Iconv Php Extension

Hp 650 Core I3 Drivers Windows 7. Install Ulaunch Flash Disk Hp. Helping you depends on what operating system you are running and how PHP was installed? For example, on Ubuntu/Debian style Linux it would be sudo apt install php-iconv. Nette/neon v2.2.1 requires ext-iconv * ->the requested PHP extension iconv is missing from your system. - nette/nette v2.2.0 requires ext-iconv * ->the requested PHP extension iconv is missing from your system.

Abu, is this the only error that you are getting? Usually, if intl is missing, other extensions can also be missing.

I am somewhat familiar with cPanel (on my GoDaddy servers.) There is a tool called 'EasyApache4' or the older 'EasyApache3'. Epson Stylus Photo T60 Resetter Software Free Download. This is the tool that Bluehost might be referring to. See if you have it.

I must warn you that even though this tool has the word 'Easy' in it, it may not be all that 'easy' to use. Its a bit of t tricky utility, both #3 and #4. But this tool is probably easier to make these changes than using a terminal program (unless you are Howard and know what you are doing. ) If you find that intl is installed, you might need to enable it by uncommenting the appropriate line in your php.ini file.