Hp Support Assistant Silent Install Exe
Hi,Im making silent deployment of HP Support assistant. I took the msi, that the setup.exe extracts to temp, but when I install the msi silently, it does not add the taskbar icon '?' , is there a way t. If HP Support Assistant is not listed or does not uninstall correctly, install the latest HP Support Assistant version without uninstalling the old version. After HP Support Assistant is installed and working, repeat the uninstall steps. Type RSTRUI.EXE, then press Enter. A Restore system files and settings window opens. Figure: Restore.
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The problem with putting in your model number is that the model number the site expects is not the one which the computer is usually described as, it is instead a number which can be found on the box or on a sticker on the machine, it is not the serial number, it is another number on the same sticker. My HP laptop is of a type commonly called a 'notebook 15 r218na', but the model number as written on my box and sticker is totally different, and it isn't that 'L.' Number given on the page either. I think that the HP website only accepts an obscure long model number for the type because that way they know that only people who have bought the laptop type in question will be able to use it, rather than people who have merely seen the type advertised on the HP site and want to know more about it. Your serial number, which will also be wanted, can be found on the sticker on the underside of your device also. Post #13 and #14.
Your 'DO NOT randomly delete HP stuff - it'll break more than it'll fix!!!' Is good advice, however after making system images first, doing things like disabling (not deleting) this kind of software (as in preventing it's auotmatic startup but leaving it in place should you ever want to open it on demand) can be a useful thing to do. Although programs do not take much storage space up on the hard drive (given how big hard drives are these days) programs running uninvited in the background can slow down computers, and HP support assistant can also do some annoying things in the background (if you set it up wrong it might try to perform firmware updates, never a good idea unless you really need them). Manufacturers software of this sort generally has a few uses, which you should leave it in place for if you ever need those features, but if you make system images first (always make system images before fiddling with anything that might cause problems) then disabling automatic startups of this sort of thing is often quite safe. I merely say this to add extra information, disbaling automatic startups for this sort of thing is not what a user should do if they want this to run in the background(because to some people background running can be helpful). In this case it is a question of the user trying to get it running in the background as it was before this current problem began, it may infact be that they should check thier startups and see if it has been disabled by some other process, then perhaps re-enable it's startup. Bedienungsanleitung Canon Mp610 Pdf more. As always system images should be amde before attempting this though.
Buku Psikologi Kepribadian Pdf Printer. Characterchange1: just to ask, can you open hp support assistant at all or not? If you can I suggest using it to make yourself some HP recovery media, if you haven't already, this one feature of the program is very useful and should be performed as soon as possible. If then, with recovery media made, you want to take the most certain way of getting HP support asistant back to it's previous way of working you could use the recovery media to set your system back to the factory state, however you would lose all your installed programs and any files you had not backed up to external devices, so this would be a pretty extreme measure to take.
Please clarify whether you have any system images, or this sort of manufacturer's recovery media, or windows recovery media made. It might be a bit extreme to restore from a system image, or rest to a factory state, to correct this issue with Hp support assistant, but it is worth having these sort of recovery media (especially system images) made either for correcting severe problems, or for repairing things like this if NO OTHER METHOD works. If you cannot open HP support assistant I suggest you do ensure to make windows recovery media and windows system images using the options under control panel. Unless you have a system image made before these problems began I don't think windows recovery media or windows system images could solve this issue(I think only HP recovery media, HP support assistant must be able to open for this to be created, or a system image made before these problems began, or some clever fix which does not involve images or resets or recovery media at all, can fix this current issue of yours) but they are very useful things to have. Edited by rp88, 25 June 2015 - 03:42 PM. Characterchange1, so your specific problem is that when you try to open HP support assistant from the taskbar/system tray/desktop icon it gives this error message and does not load, however you are seeing that the proceses for it are runnng in the background as shown by task manager. Have you considered that the problem might be that the icon is 'Pointing to the wrong folder' or something, maybe it is trying to open the program for the HPSA menu from a location different to where the program file is actually stored?