Php Mysqli Extension Is Missing Windows Services


I'm trying to install Wordpress 3. Epson 1410 Resetter Free Download there. 1 on PHP 5.3 (under IIS 7.5), but before getting to the configuration page it's throwing this error: Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension which is required by WordPress. Operation Flashpoint Cold War Crisis Zombie Mod. Typically, that means to me that the MySQL driver hasn't been loaded, so I checked my phpinfo() for the correct php.ini file, and verify the path to the extensions directory is correct, which it is (C: PHP).

Php Mysqli Extension Is Missing Windows Services

Its high time to shift from MySQL extension to MySQLi Extension. E1705 Touchpad Driver. Make your database more secure. Tutorial:Learning MySQLi extension in PHP. MySql and PHP on Windows 10 - Duration. Variable and Type Related Extensions Web Services Windows Only Extensions XML Manipulation GUI Extensions Keyboard Shortcuts? Installation on Windows Systems. On Windows, PHP is most commonly installed using the binary installer.