Php Serial Port Windows


I am tired of working with Serial comport to send and receive data ( Windows ). I have tried every possible way. Every time i got able to connect and send data. Generic Color Ps For Commercial Printing Printer Driver Windows 7 here. But when it comes to receiving lines. Warhammer 40k Black Legion Supplement Pdf Printer on this page. Serial comm with PHP on Windows. Ask Question. Up vote 7 down vote favorite. Hp Data Protector 8.0 Patches. I am looking for a way to communicate with RS232 serial COM port on windows. I have found 2 solutions on the net, one which is not totally.

Php Access Serial Port Windows

I am looking for a way to communicate with RS232 serial COM port on windows. I have found 2 solutions on the net, which is not totally free (introduces deliberate delays on the function) and with limited capability on Windows.